Reading Questions Ch. 17
1. What kind of music did Ed Johnson and his devotees prefer?
2. Describe the changes in mood Sonny experienced on the night he went to the Dugout. How did he feel on the way to the Dugout and while he was first there? How did he feel when he saw Dorothy, when he was with Valentine, and when he was with Buck?
3. How does the tone of the final scene of this chapter, when Sonny returns home, compare with the tone of the earlier scene?

Reading Questions Ch. 18
1. Why was Sonny so devastated by the death of Mr. Bykovski?
2. Doc said, "Coalwood is no place to be weak, but if you are, keep it to yourself and get the hell out of here as soon as you can." Do you agree with this assessment of Coalwood? Support your opinion using a character from the novel.
3. What was the worst thing Sonny had ever felt, and what

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