Reading Questions Chapter 19
1. During his conversation with Miss Riley, what did Sonny mean by "the West Virginia thing?"
2. There was a change in Sonny after Mrs. Bykovski's bus pulled out. What was this change? What caused it?
3. Why do you believe Sonny didn't explain to the other boys in the BCMA his reason for switching from rocket candy to zinc dust and sulfur?

Reading Questions Chapter 20
1. At the start of the chapter, what is Sonny's state of mind due to his family's situation?
2. How does the boys' plan to make money backfire on them?
3. Who comes to their financial rescue and how?

Reading Questions Chapter 21
1. Why is it necessary to find a binding agent for the zinc-sulfur mixture?
2. What do the boys find as a binding agent and how does that get them into trouble?
3. How do the townspeople treat Mr. Fuller and why?

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