Reading Questions Chapter Nine
1. Although there were many differences between Jake Moseby and Sonny, why did they become friends?
2. How did Sonny's parents' relationship change while on vacation?
3. What is the hardest thing Sonny's father says he has ever learned? Is he simply referring to thermodynamics?

Reading Questions Chapter Ten
1. How does Mr. Van Dyke settle the issue of theft of the telephone equipment?
2. Why is this school year different than others?
3. Which of the experiences in this chapter do you think is most important to Sonny? Why?

Reading Questions Chapter Eleven
1. What is "rocket candy" made of?
2. What are Sonny's father's motives in taking Sonny on a tour of the mine?
3. Why is Sonny's mother so angry with his father for taking Sonny into the mine?

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